Year One


2011 to 2012

We started dating at a Fleet Foxes concert on July 17, 2011. It was the summer before our senior year of high school. In August, during a camping trip with our friends in Mille Lacs Kathio State Park, I inadvertently committed a serious ecological crime by picking an endangered water lily as a gift for Marcie. During the school year, she and I went to homecoming, the Sadie Hawkins dance, and prom together. At the end of the year, Marcie moved to California to attend UCLA. I went to the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis.


Eden Prairie, Minnesota

September 2011: Homecoming

We soon learned that one or the other of us will always look ugly in the pictures that we take together.

We were never cool enough to drink alcohol. I am probably drinking lemonade in this picture. Marcie is eating one of her beloved Kellogg’s Original Rice Krispies Treats®.

ML: That is an orange.

We spent the long Minnesota winter searching desperately for our most photogenic angles.

One of our most cherished pastimes was to bake an entire cake and eat it all at once. In this photo, Marcie relishes the grotesque triumph of her excess.

February 2012: the Sadie Hawkins dance. Our friends will remain unnamed because this is not their website.

May 2012: senior prom. At our wedding, be sure to ask about Marcie’s socks.

